Live in Retreats for Health:
These retreats are for those who are looking to find traditional methods to restore health and wellbeing to your body.
During this retreat you will align yourself back with the natural rhythms of nature and learn ancient wisdom which will allow yourself to connect back with your bodymind and to begin the process of healing.
This process is very subtle, and very much focuses on relaxation and rejuvenation in a private setting in nature.
Scotland Highlands, Nairn.
5 days.
During the retreat you will learn:
Two types of traditional Qigong.
Two types of traditional self healing.
Healing Treatments From Practitioners:
You will receive one treatment per day consisting of either Acupuncture, Medical Massage, Relaxation Massage or Moxibustion.
What A Typical Day Will Look Like:
- Early morning wake up.
- Morning Practise in nature.
- Breakfast.
- Morning Tea Ceremony.
- Activity.
- Baby Yin Nap.
- Lunch.
- Qigong Practise.
- Treatment.
- Dinner.
- Relaxation time & Watching Films.
- Sleep.
In this retreat you will be living in a private cottage with yourself and one staff member from CCMS at all times. Occasionally you may be staying with others who book in for a retreat at the same time.
The delivery of the program depends highly on the individual health needs of the participant, but it is recommended you stay away from electronic devices as much is possible. This is done in order to facilitate the healing process and deepen your connection to your own bodies wisdom and healing power.

For booking enquiries and more information, please email below.